Baron Goodlove

Baron Goodlove and the Dreadful Noise release belting lyric video

If you only introduce yourself to one grimy, dirty blues groove indie track this week (better yet this month), make it this one. The new track from Baron Goodlove and his band, ‘Orpheus’, is just the appetiser for an upcoming EP. And if this is the starter, you can sign me up for the main course.

Watch the lyric video above, and take in the thick atmosphere of it. Read along with the words as Goodlove’s low register vocal slides easily over them, slinking through the verses until the chorus breaks through.

It’s different, it’s fun, and most of all, it’s damn good. Don’t let anything get in the way of picking up the album once it’s out – and if that’s not enough you can pick up ‘Orpheus’ free here: